Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Ο δεύτερος εκλειπών από την παρέα των Pink Floyd, δύο χρόνια μετά τον θάνατο του Syd Barrett (ο Syd είχε χαθεί πολύ νωρίτερα δυστυχώς), Richard Wright, έφυγε το 2008, αφήνοντας πίσω του σημαντικότατη κληρονομιά. Ο πιο αθόρυβος της παρέας των "πολυτεχνιτών" (κυριολεκτικά αλλά και μεταφορικά) Floyd, συνέθεσε λίγα αλλά σημαντικά κομμάτια, από το '65 στο ξεπέταγμα του συγκροτήματος, μέχρι τον καλύτερο δίσκο του David Gilmour "Division Bell" του '94. Ενδεικτικά, "Remember a Day", "See-Saw", "Paintbox". Το τελευταίο κομμάτι του μάλιστα, με είχε επηρεάσει πολύ κατά τα χρόνια του λυκείου μου...

Paintbox (Wright) 3:35

Last night I had too much to drink
Sitting in a club with so many fools
Playing to rules
Trying to impress but feeling rather empty
I had another drink
Drink - a - drink - a - drink - a - drink

What a way to spend that evening
They all turn up with their friends
Playing the game
But in the scene I should have been
Far away
Away - away - away - away - away
Getting up, I feel as if I'm remembering this scene before
I open the door to an empty room
Then I forget

The telephone rings and someone speaks
She would very much like to go out to a show
So what can I do - I can't think what to say
She sees through anyway
Away - away - away - away - away

Out of the front door I go
Traffic's moving rather slow
Arriving late, there she waits
Looking very angry, as cross as she can be
Be - a - be - a - be - a - be - a - be
Getting up, I feel as if I'm remembering this scene before
I open the door to an empty room
Then I forget



  1. den to iksera to tragoudi k mporw na pw oti einai kommatara.... k exei k poli alithino stixo. thx kalpman. kai xairetoures polles apo thessaloniki!

  2. Dwse vash sto Relics lewnida... Oi Floyd, prin valoun "arxhgo" tous ton Waters, eixan k tote gamw tis empneuseis! Nomizw oti o gilmour kai oi ypoloipoi, htan poly pio "realistes" ap ton waters, pou tin eixe dei pio "kallitexnhs".. Profanws kai tou vghke de lew to anapodo!.. alla Otan lew gia Floyd, milaw perissotero gia tous ypoloipous kai ligotero gia ton waters...

  3. Me arese to "Biding My Time" eidika to karagoustarw :P

  4. full Barret styl ayto to tragoudi, opws kai oles oi dhmiourgies ths prwtis fasis twn Pink Floyd!
    Agnh psyxedeleia kai garage hxos!
